For those who take İngilizce II and İngilizce IV classes | Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu | Hasan Kalyoncu Üniversitesi


For those who take İngilizce II and İngilizce IV classes

For those who take İngilizce II and İngilizce IV classes

For those who take İngilizce I and İngilizce III classes

The content and acoounts have been activated fo those students who take English II and IV classes online on English Central distance learning platform.

The percentages of online and written exams;
Online Platform Activities %40
Mid-Term(Written exam) %25
Final (Written exam) % 35

For account information please contact your faculty secretary.

To log in;

Web Page:
User: Student’s e-mail address on SRS (OBS)
Password: Student number

To download the application;
