Pearson Conference: "English for Employability" | Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu | Hasan Kalyoncu Üniversitesi


Pearson Conference: “English for Employability”

Pearson Conference: “English for Employability”

Hasan Kalyoncu University School of Foreign Languages attended the conference held on 21-23 March 2019 in Çeşme, İzmir, being invited by Pearson Assured, which has over 100 years of education and training experience in more than 100 countries.

Lecturer Ahmet KONUKOĞLU attended the conference on behalf of the School of Foreign Languages, which completed the Pearson Assured Accreditation process 2017. Representatives of other state and private universities accredited by Pearson Assured and the ones which are about to complete the accreditation process had the opportunity to make various contacts with the SFL administrative members and to share their experiences about the process.

As Hasan Kalyoncu University School of Foreign Languages, we feel the responsibility of contributing to our students’ visions of their own field at preparatory school. In this context, as the vice-director of School of Foreign Languages, Lec. KONUKOĞLU attended the presentation on Employability Skills, organized by important people of the business sector, in the following sections of the conference. Then, thanks to the workshop organized by Grant Kempton and Ken Beatty, the participants gained invaluable information that could be more useful to our students in choosing their profession after graduation.