The School of Foreign Languages Board made the following decisions regarding planning the distance learning end of term 5 evaluation. At the end of the SPRING semester of 2019-2020 academic year 5th Term, it has been decided to conduct one online Mid-Term Assignment and one online End of Term Assignment, and also to submit the Writing portfolio assignments and the Speaking project as a video recording method.
Detailed information about assignments is stated below.
1. Online Mid-Term Assignment
- At the end of the 3rd week, 3 weeks of content will be assessed and an unattended online exam will be done.
- This exam will be held online on June 19, 2020, on
- The exam result will effect 20% of the passing grade.
2. Online End of Term Assignment
- This exam will be held online on 13-14 July 2020 on
- Each student can take the online session only once within the stated dates.
- The assignment evaluation result will effect 30% of the passing grade.
3. Writing Portfolio (Assignment)
- All students will upload their writing portfolio works to until Thursday each week. They will upload 5 portfolio works in total.
- Writing Portfolio will effect 30% of the passing grade.
- Assignments that are not uploaded to the system within the specified periods will not be evaluated.
4. Speaking Project (Assignment)
- All students are required to video record 1 Speaking Project and upload it to until July 9, 2020.
- The recordings shorter than 2 minutes will not be evaluated (at least 2 minutes long).
- Speaking Project will effect 20% of the passing grade. Assignments that are not uploaded to the system within the specified periods will not be evaluated.
- Click here for the Speaking Project submisson guideline.
*For Lesson timetable, Online classroom join link, Assignment submission, you can log into using your OBS/SRS account information.