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Category Archives: News

HKU SFL Attends FOAI-12

HKU SFL Attends FOAI-12 Hasan Kalyoncu University (HKU) School of Foreign Languages (SFL) continues to invest in its Testing Office by holding in-service trainings as well as attending the national events on Language Assessment. In this regard, HKU SFL Testing Office member Inst. Büşra ŞATIR attended to the FOAI-12 meeting in Ankara on April 26-27. […]

Evaluation and Reshaping of CPD Program

Hasan Kalyoncu University School of Foreign Languages continues to support the professional development activities of the School. SFL academic staff and the suggestions related to the areas determined were shared by groups. In the second part of the workshop, SFL Director Inst. Mehmet Salih YOĞUN held a presentation on the working principles of the CPD […]

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Oxford Teachers’ Academy Seminar on “ELT Management”

Hasan Kalyoncu University School of Foreign Languages aims to create an effective management environment besides in-service trainings that will contribute to the professional development of the academic staff by participating in online and face-to-face courses, national and international conferences, congresses. In this context, Director of School of Foreign Languages Lect. Mehmet Salih YOĞUN attended the […]

HKU, SFL Attends IATEFL Conference in Liverpool

SFL Attends IATEFL Conference in Liverpool Hasan Kalyoncu University School of Foreign Languages continues its national and international studies to improve the quality of its English Language Education program. The vice-director of HKU School of Foreign Languages, Inst. Ahmet KONUKOĞLU participated in the IATEFL International Annual Conference and Exhibition, which is one of the main […]

Pearson Conference: “English for Employability”

Hasan Kalyoncu University School of Foreign Languages attended the conference held on 21-23 March 2019 in Çeşme, İzmir, being invited by Pearson Assured, which has over 100 years of education and training experience in more than 100 countries. Lecturer Ahmet KONUKOĞLU attended the conference on behalf of the School of Foreign Languages, which completed the […]

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Cambridge Mentorship Training Programme

Continuing Professional Development Unit of HKU School of Foreign Languages continues its development process with in-service trainings to provide a more effective language teaching environment, as well as trainings from international organizations that support educational activities. In this context, our Continuous Professional Development Unit Coordinator Intructor Baraa SABE participated in the Mentorship Training Programme organized […]

A New Workshop by SFL CPD Unit

HKU SFL Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Unit continues its activities within the scope of in-service training activities with the aim of more effective classroom instructions. A new workshop, entitled PTA, led by SFL Continuing Professional Development Unit Coordinator Inst. Baraa SABE aimed to contribute to the effective delivery of instructions by SFL academic staff. For […]

SFL Strategic Plan Determination Workshop

By Hasan Kalyoncu University (HKU) School of Foreign Languages (SFL) Accreditation and Quality Commission a workshop entitled “School of Foreign Languages Strategic Plan Determination” was held. HKU SFL aims to differentiate by giving importance to quality in foreign language education in accordance with international education-teaching standards. SFL discussed the strengths and the points need to […]

Study Abroad Meeting

The first meeting of the Study Abroad, in the UK and the USA program was held by Lecturer Mehmet Salih YOĞUN, Director of School of Foreign Languages. 20 HKU SFL students, who successfully completed the first 2 levels of study, were informed about the process of visa application, filling in selected centre’s documents, what should […]

Workshop Series at SFL

Hasan Kalyoncu University School of Foreign Languages aspires after creating a supportive, collaborative and encouraging environment for its academic staff in order to provide them with chances to develop their teaching methodology skills, classroom management policy and theoretical information related to their interest areas. To be able serve these purposes, the SFL established Continuous Professional […]